
Working Group „Sustainability“ – Kick-off

organized by CU Nord and CU Ost
on 28th June 2023 online at CU MixUp.World

The Working Group “Sustainability” of the Composites United Network is the exchange platform for all relevant sustainability topics in the field of fiber-reinforced composite materials and the successor of the former working group “rCF applications”. It aims at finding solutions to improve the circularity and sustainability of composite materials. This Kick-off event marks the start of the activities in a new holistic way, accounting for the main sustainability needs of composite materials.

Moderation: Dr. Bastian Brenken, CU Nord
13:00 Warmup in CU MixUp.World

Welcome, news from CU Network and goal of the CU Working Group „Sustainability“

Prof. Stefan Schlichter, Head of CU WG Sustainability
Dr. Bastian Brenken, CU Nord
Dr. Thomas Heber, CU Ost

13:20 Today's industrial approaches to sustainability using CFRP
Jan Ohm, Airbus / CTC
13:40 CMC under the aspect of sustainability and resource efficiency
Dr. Anna Schneller, Uni Augsburg - MRM

Status quo circularity CF-concrete

Roy Thyroff / Dr. Gabriele Gärtner / Dr. Ingelore Gaitzsch, CU Bau

14:20 Networking in CU MixUp.World

Renewable raw materials

Dr. Barbara Güttler, IVW Kaiserslautern


Life Cycle Assessment for fiber composites and …

Dr. Andrea Hohmann, Fraunhofer IGCV

… Improving sustainability by design

Dr. Robert Kupfer, TU Dresden – ILK

15:40 Discussion and next steps
16:00 End of the event