Alaitz Ruiz de Luzuriaga (CIDETEC) Alaitz Rekondo (CIDETEC) Roberto Martín (CIDETEC) Nerea Markaide (CIDETEC) Germán Cabanero (CIDETEC) Hans-Jürgen Grande (CIDETEC) Ibon Odriozola (CIDETEC)
The recycling of FRPCs has been an important topic over the last two decades in order to make them more sustainable .In an approach to solve such limitations, a novel “dynamic” epoxy network based on reversible chemical crosslinks has been developed.
Maxime Roux (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland) Nicolas Eguemann (Cross Composite AG) Lian Giger (Cross Composite AG) Clemens Dransfeld (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
An approach is presented to separate thermoplastic CFRPs into fragments using high voltage pulses through a method known as electrodynamic fragmentation. It was observed that smaller fragments considerably reduce the statistical variations.
Marco Luigi Longana (University of Bristol) HaNa Yu (University of Bristol) Meisam Jalalvand (University of Bristol) Kevin Potter (University of Bristol)
This paper describes the ongoing development of an alternative, improved method for the quality control of reclaimed carbon fibres based on specimens manufactured with the HiPerDiF (High Performance Discontinuous Fibre) method.
Marcel Hofmann (STFI e.V.) Bernd Gulich (STFI e.V.)
The poster explains pre-treatment of dry carbon fibres wastes with modified cutting and tearing process and the nonwoven production based on recovered carbon fibres as possibility for the realisation of textile fabrics.
Nuria Fanegas Martin (FIDAMC) Garcia Garcia Aquilino Noelia Colas (AIRBUS Spain)
The target of this study is to transform uncured waste prepreg produced during the manufacturing of the CFRP composites into recycled raw material by cutting the prepreg into chopped material.
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