
Working Group “RTM - Next Steps”

Date: Tuesday, 14 June 2016, 13:30
Location: Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Oberseestrasse 10, Rapperswil, Switzerland, Campus HSR, Building 1, 2nd Floor, Room 1.269


13:00 Registration, Coffee
13:30 Welcome and introduction
Prof. Dr. Gion Andrea Barandun, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Stève Mérillat, Carbon Composites Schweiz
13:45 Innovative RTM Tools
Christian Cieplik, Compose Tools, France
14:10 Resin Flow Monitoring and Real-time Quality Control in RTM Processes
Dr. Claudio Di Fratta, Sika Services AG, Zürich
14:35 Fast-curing epoxy systems with silica nanoparticles
Prof. Clemens Dransfeld, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Windisch
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Hollow Body Structures based on a RTM process with the use of Low Melting Point Metals
Riccardo Sotgiu, LoSon S.r.l, Italy
15:55 Future development of the working group / general discussion
Prof. Dr. Gion Andrea Barandun, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Prof. Clemens Dransfeld, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Stève Mérillat, Carbon Composites Schweiz
16:45 Networking and Apéro

