Frank Weiland (Airbus Helicopters) Uwe Beier (Airbus Helicopters)
An innovative manufacturing routine for CFRP shell structures has been developed and demonstrated. It combines a VAP-infusion with a joining technology based on the interdiffusion of thermoplastic films with epoxies for cost and weight efficiency.
Felix Bauer (University of Stuttgart) Manuel Kempf (Airbus Helicopters) Christian Wellhausen (Airbus Helicopters) Peter Middendorf (University of Stuttgart)
Assessment of basalt fibers regarding their properties and available scatter. Use of the fiber diameter as an evaluation criterion for the spinning process control. Correlation of the diameter and its scatter with the mechanical fiber properties.
Sebastian Weidinger (Premium Aerotec GmbH) Daniel Hartung (Premium Aerotec GmbH) Tobias Weber (Premium Aerotec GmbH)
This paper shows the simulation of key manufacturing steps like draping and curing for a sine wave spar example, using ABAQUS in combination with user defined material models.
Jan Kremberg (Universität Bremen) Christian Brauner (Faserinstitut Bremen) Mohamed Adli Dimassi (Faserinstitut Bremen) Axel S. Herrmann (Faserinstitut Bremen) Oliver Reinhardt (Flight Design GmbH) Harald Bachem (Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften)
The ambition of the Safety-Box" project is to increase occupant safety of a small aircraft. The crash behaviour of a composite airframe has been investigated and structural improvements have been developed in several FE simulations.
Mathieu Vinot (German Aerospace Center) Paul Schatrow (German Aerospace Center) Ralf Sturm (German Aerospace Center) Frieder Heieck (University of Stuttgart) Daniel Fernández (University of Stuttgart)
This paper discusses manufacturing process, experimental testing and numerical simulation of braided Ω-frame segments bonded to a multiaxial fabric skin, which represent a typical airframe structure.
Yasuhiro Fukuda (Tokyo University of Science) Jun Koyanagi (Tokyo University of Science) Akinori Yoshimura (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Kenichi Hirai (IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd.) Satoru Yoneyama (Aoyama Gakuin University) Takuya Aoki (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Toshio Ogasawara (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
In this study, we measured local out-of-plane deformation of CFRP ablator under rapid heating by using stereo DIC method. And we proposed analytical procedure in order to reveal the mechanism of thermal deformation of CFRP.
Mircea Calomfirescu (Airbus Defence and Space) Edgar Mennle (Airbus Defence and Space) Michael Hanke (German Aerospace Center) Christian Weimer (Airbus Group Innovations) Sebastian Nowotny (German Aerospace Center) Ulrich Christ (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB))
This paper gives an overview on the R&T program FFS "Advanced Aerostructures" which covers the following topics: - Structural Bonding incl. demonstration on Eurofighter Airbrake, - Advanced multiband radomes for future UAVs - Stealth Design.
Heinz Meister (Airbus Defence and Space) Clemens Brand (Airbus Defence and Space) Peter Starke (Airbus Defence and Space) Georg Doll (German Aerospace Center) Jürgen Mosch (German Aerospace Center) Ulrich Christ (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) Thomas Krell (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB))
A radome as a large composite structure was sized and designed for electromagnetic transparency. In order to analyze compliance with other multidisciplinary requirements, manufacturing, structural and other properties were tested.
Jens Holtmannspötter (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) F. Zimmer (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) B. Schneider (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) T. Hofmann (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) H.-J. Gudladt (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB))
Structural adhesive bonding of aircraft structures - the necessity for reliable and robust processes.
Jens Holtmannspötter (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) J. de Freese (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) J. C Meyer (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) M. Niedernhuber (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB)) F. Feucht (Bundeswehr research institute for materials, fuels and lubricants (WIWeB))
Automation of CFRP repair. Scarfing with a mobile five axis milling system.
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